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Waking up Early; a Healthy Secret of Self-made Millionaires

Waking up Early; a Healthy Secret of Self-made Millionaires

Discipline; the common factor for both Self-made wealth and inherited wealth

Ever looked up world’s top millionaires list on the web and wonder how did they achieve all that success? And no, not all millionaires or billionaires are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. There are a pretty decent number of millionaires out there who are self-made and have managed to establish a name of their brand among the big fishes.

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, rings any bells?

You can check out the Forbes list of wealthiest people around the world that they publish on annual basis. It is not easy to miss that their top ten positions are always dominated by self-made entrepreneurs with nothing but an impressive work history to back them up.

What is their secret? Or their success story? Do you want to know?

What if I tell you that it all starts with their basic habits that they abide by on daily basis!

Habits of millionaires

Apart from delving into maintaining and devising best business practices, there are a few selective habits of self-made millionaires that keep them ahead of the game.

  • Waking up early

  • A highly disciplined lifestyle

  • Goal oriented routines

  • Staying away from distractions while being productive

  • Committed to a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle

  • Investing decent amount of time into valuable reading

A healthy percentage of 68% of the wealthy individuals swear to live by their golden rule of rising up early in the morning. Well, if majority of them are doing that, there must be a valid reason!

Why waking up early is their no. 1 habit?

Waking up early contributes to the beginning of a new day. The way your day starts, have a massive impact on the rest of your day. Carrying the positive attitude of “the early the better”, the financially successful individuals thrive around this habit.

Be it the supple embrace of dawn or the freshest breeze of the day, rising early delivers its own pleasant indulgence. For the go getters this time marks the beginning of their day which they plan to make better than the last one. Many of them claim that the very idea of waking up earlier than others fuels their passion for work and give them a sense of being ahead than the rest of the world. A thought that only harbours in the mind of a champion and a leader.

While there are others who simply like to be close to their inner selves by having some alone time. Doing so helps them to contemplate on their present and future decisions.

Reasons are numerous but the basic motive and results are similar. Words spread around and more people have tried to adopt this habit, many if not all end up with better versions of themselves, and the rest, well, let’s just say they don’t make the cut.

Success and failure are not permanent! This is a universal fact, but the prior can be prolonged and kept on a never ending loop simply by making some life changing modifications. In this case, waking up early is definitely one of the main initiatives for scaling mountains of difficulties that may come in one’s way.

No reason to back out from attaining a better you! Waking up early is hence become a popular choice amid the self-made millionaires. 

Let’s just assume that this is a preference based habit that has been implemented by those who have tried it on individually. Speaking in terms of general and broader aspects, waking up early has numerous benefits. These benefits have been concluded after visible consequences and pragmatic experiences. If you are a slightly bit impressed by the success stories of self-made millionaires, pay attention to these as they may serve as the healthy secrets that no one talks about and only follow:

How waking up early benefits them

Early solar rays are idea boosters

As clichéd it sounds, all those get up early lectures that you got from your parents are true indeed. The quite morning time is where you will find peace the most. It gives ample time to generate new ideas and contemplate on future plans.

Mentally prepare for the day ahead

The most successful entrepreneurs says that perfect presentation, accurate statistics and the most important factor- positive outlook are crucial for an upcoming board meeting. Rising early allows your mind to settle and give enough time to mentally prepare yourself.

The ideal time with least disturbances

No matter how wealthy one becomes, the true quality of a progressive millionaire is that they never stop working. For delivering productive work, it is better to work with least interruptions. Excluding occasional birdie chirps, early morning hours do more than well in that context.

Maximum rejuvenation and healing

With great success, come great responsibilities! Successful individuals manage to achieve financial success as well as exponential workload and stress. Waking up in the early hours followed by physical activities helps to zone out stress and attain a steady state.

To Summarise it All!

We share a world where the percentage of self-made millionaires is gradually surpassing born millionaires. The journey to the ultimate success is not an easy one. Those who have made it possible for them are the ones who are dedicated, disciplined, determined and as established in this article, early risers or have ultimately become one. Follow the example set by them if you want to join them. Remember, every success story begins with a sacrifice and in this case, you must make the sacrifice of your sleep simply by rising with the sun!


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