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Relentless optimism – way of perception!

Why is optimism major? Cope with challenging life events.

Optimists are also able to recover from disappointments more quickly by attending to positive outcomes to a greater extent than negative ones.

Our perception plays a prominent role in the game of life. Whether we perceive a situation to be mild or complicated, it is all about our way of thinking. Positive impact comes out to the fore when our perceptual attitude gives a favorable response to a situation.

Let’s take a look at this incident – there was a Clark family in Scotland. Their dream of making a tour to the United States was about to become authentic as Clark & his wife had finally managed to save enough money after years of hard work. Passports and reservations for themselves & their nine children were successfully done.

The whole family was eagerly waiting for this exciting phase of their life, but a tragedy hindered their way. A dog bit their youngest son just seven days before the journey.  His medical treatment done by a doctor & the family quarantined for fourteen days due to the fear of rabies. The family’s dream received, a jolt, and especially the father was shocked as his prolonged dream to visit the United States shattered. He blamed his son and God for spoiling their plan.

However, just five days passed & shocking news was received. The ‘Mighty Titanic’ got sunk & the incident claimed the lives of hundreds of people. Clark’s family would have been the victim of this disaster, had their son not been bitten by the dog. This news transformed the perception of Mr. Clark & he thanked his son because of whom the entire family was safe.

So now, what do you think about the way of perception? This incident may change your way of judgment.

So the conclusion of this story is: Just like this we all are suffering failure in our life in different ways like some people are jobless and some are lonely etc. But you should always keep your face to the sunshine & you cannot see a shadow. Time will never remain the same.

This is how we need to come to terms with every situation or event of our life. What may not seem to be suitable or acceptable for the time being could emerge out to be a game-changer.

So it is up to you what to see- the half-empty glass of water or a half-full glass of water…………


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