Take it Easy. It’s hot outside atleast be cool inside :-)

Life is hard. It’s taking everyone’s toll. There is chaos everywhere. And everything seems to be out of control. But there is one thing that we control. How we react/respond to it.

One quote that comes to my mind and i am not sure if it has been coinned before.

Life is already very hot( read chaotic, uncontrolled) from the outside. Least we can do is to be cool (read calm, controlled) from the inside.

We humans are the best in breed animals on this planet. And as if nature has programmed us to be the best. But somehow in our evolution we have gone bad or rather something has gone wrong. We had a virus (some where ) in our evolution that has corrupted this programming. And no I am not talking about Covid-19. I am talking about how we should live our lives. How we interact with everyone. Having empathy in our relationships. If you stop for while and look around, everyone is running. running in a rat race. And if you ask them they would disagree (Oh.. you have to stop for that, can you do that. Stop your rat race to understand). We have become a victim of our own habits, sub conscious programming , virus manipulation and we don’t even realize that.

I think I’ll have to come back and talk about this in a separate post. But the reason on this post was to put a few of my favourite posts that i like to remember when the going gets tough.

  • When going gets tough, the tough gets going.
  • Start. And Start by gaining your approval.
  • The price of discipline is always less than the price of regret.
  • The biggest and greatest project you’ll ever work on is you.
  • Work for your dreams more than you hope for them to come true.
  • Don’t downgrade your dreams rather upgrade your conviction to match the destiny of your dreams.

It’s the ability to not give a fuck about almost anything in life. This is by far the most effective life hack that you will ever come across. It’s also one of the main factors that contributes toward your happiness.


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