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Debunking 4 Multicloud Strategy Myths

According to a research, most businesses nowadays use multicloud environment.

For a large number of businesses, cloud migration is far from simply deploying a few applications into Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services or any other hosted service. On the contrary, a multicloud strategy is a part of their digital transformation initiative.  

What is Multicloud?

Multicloud can be defined as a cloud approach that is made up of more than one cloud service, from more than one cloud vendor.

Multicloud strategy leads to multiple benefits.

By using several cloud computing services, like Infrastructure as a Service, Software as a Service and Platform as a Service in one heterogenous architecture, you can bring down the dependency on just one vendor.

Multicloud is so pervasive, that as much as 98% of organisations speak of their expectation to turn to a multicloud environment by 2021.

However, inspite of its pervasiveness, a number of business and IT executives have misconceptions about the ways to create a multicloud strategy.

Let us have a look at the top myths surrounding multicloud.

Multicloud and Hybrid Cloud are Interchangeable Terms

Multicloud and hybrid cloud are far from being interchangeable terms. In fact, there are several differences between them.

While hybrid cloud is made up of private and public resources, multicloud consists of cloud that are hosted by different providers.

This distinction influences the very way enterprises allocate workloads across appropriate resources.

All hybrid clouds are actually multicloud.

All multiclouds are not hybrid clouds.

Multicloud Environment Leads to Security Breaches

No doubt, the multicloud environments must adopt a different approach to security, but these environments are as secure as any other environment.

Some IT departments make mistakes while configuring the cloud environment. Vulnerabilities in configuration as well as code development often create loopholes, allowing the hackers into the system.

The IT department can easily close these loopholes by learning the environment and the different security measures, apart from acquainting themselves with different security measures.

My Business is Not on Multicloud

This is a very common misconception.

A number of businesses end up using multicloud without even realising that they are doing so.

Teams across the business sign up for specialised services meeting their own specific requirement. This may take place on ad hoc basis, usually with little or no input from the IT department. You may not know if your marketing team is using one cloud, and the finance team uses yet another. Multicloud can thus happen without your knowledge. So, instead of trying to resist the trend, support the stakeholders and opt according to specific need.

Integration of Multiple Cloud Environment is not Possible

Though multicloud environments contain multiple disconnected cloud platforms, it certainly does not mean that they cannot be properly managed or integrated.

Just as you can secure multicloud environment, similarly, you can also manage a multicloud environment.

A multicloud strategy is significant today for avoiding pitfalls in cloud security as well as management. One of the best ways to adopt them is by listing the key business goals and IT requirements of your company followed by explaining how the different cloud services and environments support these goals.


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