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Microsoft Azure Logic Apps

Azure Logic Apps is a cloud-based solution that helps in orchestrating, automating, and scheduling workflows, business processes and tasks when there is a need of integrating services, systems, data, and applications across organizations or enterprises.

In today’s fast paced world every organization is moving towards digital solutions. The old solutions are not reliable today and are time taking. That’s where logic app comes in. It provides compatibility with legacy systems and can integrate them with new modern systems. It does so by providing prebuilt APIs which is distributed as Microsoft-managed connectors. It helps you in focusing on apps, their functionality and business logic. It removes the hassle of hosting, building, scaling, maintain, managing, and monitoring apps. You even don’t have to write code and even if you are sometime required to do so then you can create code with Azure Functions and access it on demand. Azure Event Grid helps you with event monitoring, publishing and routing.

Microsoft Azure Apps helps your organization to be more agile and to focus on your core competencies. It saves time by simplifying the data and presenting it in a comprehensive form. It also offers predefined workflows that you can use as a template for your organization. It can range from simple connectivity solution to a complex solution like software as a service apps (SaaS) for advanced B2B tasks. Logic Apps streamlines the process of design and app integration. It also simplifies data integration, enterprise application integration (EAI), system integration and business to business (B2B) communication. This service is both offered as a cloud service or on premises.

Sometime you have to work with complex patterns and workflows and they are also hard to code. You can seamlessly connect your on-premises systems to cloud with logic apps. For example, you can connect your cloud billing solution to on premises marketing solution or you can centralize your communication channels across organization. If you want fast, consistent, reliable and reusable solution than Microsoft Azrue Logic Apps is a great option to look for.

Most of the communication happens in the organization is electronic. These communication channels use different message protocols and formats like AS2, X12 and EDIFACT. By using Enterprise Integration Pack (EIP) you can integrate other organization message formats in your organization. It integrates that information into a format that is familiar to your organization processes. If you’re starting small and in a growth phase then the Logic Apps adapts to your workflow. When you’re ready for complex integration scenarios and your business process requires it then you can benefit from following Azure products:

  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure API Management
  • Azure Functions
  • Microsoft BizTalk Server

When you create an Integration service environment (ISE) you can access secured resources of logic apps on virtual machines. All of the functions provided by logic apps essentially help you in integrating legacy systems with new workflows. It is a really creative solution and helps in streamlining business process. It is also provided by one of most renowned software companies which is Microsoft. It is a subscription based service and you can also sign up for a free Azure account to get a sense of the program features.


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