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6 Virtual Reality Myths or Misconceptions Debunked

In the course of last few years, virtual reality has generated a lot of interest.

Some of these are definitely good, and some are not that good.

A disruptive technology, virtual reality is impacting industries around the world, right from gaming and social media to healthcare and construction.

Probably because mainstream virtual reality is a relatively new concept, there are several myths and misconceptions shrouding it.  Let us take a look at them.

Virtual Reality is a New Technology

Virtual reality is far from being a new technology that has just been discovered.

Similar to artificial intelligence and mobile phones, virtual reality is also quite an old invention that has kept evolving over the last few years.

The first reference of virtual reality can be traced back to 1966 when The Sword of Damocles was developed. It contained all the prime concepts of the present virtual reality headset including 3D visuals and audio.

NASA and US Air Force have been using these devices for decades.

Virtual Reality is Only for Gaming

Virtual reality is not just for gaming and a number of industries are using it.

Virtual reality finds popular usage in marketing, education, training and visualisation.

Surgeons are using it for training, travel industry is using it to entice the vacationers and the architects are using it to walk through imaginary buildings.

Virtual Reality Reduces Manpower

This is probably one of the most popular myths surrounding the gaming industry for years.

Did you know that there are several applications in the market running on virtual reality that make the users exercise?

Virtual Reality will Create a Generation Incapable of Living in the Real World

Though there are rumours that virtual reality will create a generation of people who will not be able to relate to or empathise with others, studies suggest quite the opposite.

According to a study, the research participants taking part in an experience involving loss of job demonstrated more sustained empathy compared to others.

Some other benefits of virtual reality include boosting recall and retention, simplification of complex issues as well as helping people with varied learning styles.

Virtual Reality Headsets are Very Expensive

Well, the virtual reality headsets had been expensive but this is no longer the case.

Today, they cost as much as an average console.

There are affordable headsets available.

There are premium headsets too, but they are not half as costly as the ones in 1980s.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are Same

There are significant differences between the two.

Augmented reality is not fully immersive.

With augmented reality, you can enhance or augment real life environment. For example, augmented reality can put additional details in your surroundings, tracking it through your phone camera.

Virtual reality on the other hand, replaces reality. For example, virtual reality may take you from your living room to the Amazon Rainforest right after you put on the head mounted display.

Virtual reality is one of the most popular emerging technologies of today. Stay hooked to learn more about it.


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