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Assertive communication

Assertive communication is expressing our feelings and needs clearly to another person while respecting the taste of that person. It is the healthiest form of communication. Positive communication is a learned skill or doesn’t come naturally, it requires work & it takes two willing people to have an open conversation.

At first, it might not be so easy cause its scary to ask what you need and what if the other person rejects and what if they don’t care what you need that fear will develop in your mind and that will stop you from expressing your thoughts. Assertive is all about showing confidence, but it is not so easy & it takes a lot of time patience’s you need to train your mind for that. Some people aren’t confident about themselves & they have a lot of doubts about themselves. All it needs is to be sure about you, be sure about who you are, what you are, and what you want to do. If you are clear about this slowly your confidence, will start building up, it might be easy for one. But it can be difficult for another cause no human is the same & has the same mental power, but one can build that.


Communication is the main key here, and unless you don’t communicate, you won’t be able to practice Assertive communication. If you don’t communication you will start assuming things on your head, start wondering yourself as well as you will start doubting and judging the other person which will only help you to drain your confidence & you be an aggressive person and you get habituated being alone & you will only enjoy your own company causes your mindset won’t match with other people, it will not because you will be the person who assumes things on your own, you will judge people it’s just you will have a different world of your own where no one can fit, but if you got out to communicate with people express your feelings you will learn a lot. You have to forget about being rejected, being ignored. You might find it difficult with one person, but I will not be the same will everyone. Some people might make you feel awkward, but another can make you feel comfortable. And that’s how you will start gaining confidence and begin sure about yourself. The most important thing here is to be confident about yourself.

The most important thing here is to be confident about yourself. You need to practice communicating and expressing in daily life without practice you won’t be able to build assertive communication & you need to have patience’s because this is a gradual process you will not be able to do it in just one or two weeks & it will take some time, but it will be worth it at the end.  You need to trust yourself and, in this process. Once you start seeing changes in yourself, you get more motivated. Being assertive is essential & it will help you to make a confident decision in Life. Overall Assertive Communication is exceptional for your mental health and will help you be a better person.


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