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5 Cybersecurity Trends for 2021 You Must Watch Out For

According to Gartner, remote work is all set to stay here.

Apart from shifting the work environment where the managers and employees interact with each other, remote work has yet another obvious consequence, increased vulnerability to security threats.

With 2021 knocking our door, let us find out what cybersecurity will look like in the coming year.

We will try to go through the prime focuses, considerations and risks for the cybersecurity leaders and professionals in this blog.

IT Leaders Invest to Secure Remote Work

This is a no brainer.

According to a report, 64% of enterprises enabled remote workforce this year and more than half of these companies plan to retain the policy even after the pandemic.

Quite obviously, this will lead to additional security issues, with the employees operating outside the corporate network.

Cybersecurity investments will gain momentum in 2021 with the companies all set to increase expenditure on network monitoring and firewalls.

Multifactor Authentication Acquire Prominence

With more organisations handling business online, right from banking and purchasing to buying cybersecurity services, multifactor authentication will gain prominence.

Multifactor authentication, as you all know, provides another layer of security while accessing online information by verifying identity.

Let us have a look at one of the most common multifactor authentication scenarios.

You enter your password and name.

After your login details are confirmed, you enter the additional code, usually delivered through email or text notification.

This extra protective layer helps prevent malicious attackers hacking into account and accessing private data.

Account Takeover Will Be a Significant Threat

With most businesses forced to close doors due to this pandemic, the customers have little choice apart from ordering products online.

Ecommerce business has grown exponentially in the last few months.

The increased dependence on online shopping is leading to a growth in account takeovers.

According to a research, there has been exponential increase in account takeover from 2018 to 2019 targeting the retail customers.

This number is all set to rise further with more people taking resort to online shopping.

Phishing Attacks Evolve to Become More Dangerous

Hackers are always on the lookout for options to hack and this pandemic provided them the opportunity.

Owing to lack of awareness, a number of employees are ending up clicking the malicious emails, falling a victim to the hackers.

We will see such attacks continuing to impact business in 2021.

User Awareness Program Take Effect

With cyber threats becoming more aggressive each day, organisations and businesses take significant steps to strengthening security measures.

For most companies, cybersecurity awareness is acquiring more prevalence to prevent network hacks and identity theft, capacitated to destroy the reputation of both companies and individuals. Apart from implementation of firewalls and IT protocols, enterprises of today are slowly becoming aware of the need to educate employees through seminars and other programs.

Cybersecurity awareness is chiefly driven by the knowledge of cyberattack strategies. According to a report, 97% of individuals fail to detect phishing emails and 1 in 25 individuals click them, falling prey to cyber-attacks.

Cybersecurity awareness help prevent the onslaught of attacks and threats.

Which cybersecurity threat will make it big in 2021? What’s your take? Let us know in the comments section.


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