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How to become an App developer

There are a a lot of career options and a large number ways to earn money but If you want to build your career in App development and want to know about all the details how can you be become an App developer then you are on the right place, In this article I’ll give you complete information about how  you can become a successful App developer, Well according to the research this industry going to be increase to $188.9 billion in 2020. So this is going to become a very vast industry. 

Let’s Learn step by step how you can become an App developer. 

Android or IOS?

Well whenever it comes to be an App developer the most confusing question we have that which one to choose either Android Or IOS. Most of us wants to learn both  and definitely you’ll be the best if you learn both and become an expert  but can we become the expert in both, because these are two different languages, so we have to choose the  one, but which one?

No one can give you the right answer of it because it’s totally upon you that on which you have more interest. If you are interested in Apple as a company and you are always curious to know about Apple/Google products then IOS is the best. What i experience in several years of my career is if you don’t know what is going on currently you automatically get left behind so choose wisely and the one which you are interested the most.

Skills to learn to become an App developer

Now we are going to know about which skills are required for IOS and which one is for Android.

For IOS objective-C and Swift are two main programming languages, If you want to create an modern app with all the functionality Swift is the best for you either objective-C is also good but it’s an older programming language. Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for macOS, tvOS and beyond. The swift includes modern features that developers love.

Let’s talk about the android development now. For android development there are number of languages to learn such as Java, c++ and for front end we use HTML5 CSS3 and Java script.

For learn about these Programming languages there are a lot of  online platforms and resources available, some of them provide you certificates for it . Such as Coursera and Udemy. YouTube is also good to learn this thing.

What they teach you is how to setup the environment for App development, How to start the coding and every basic things you have to know about App development.

How you'll become good in programming languages

Daily learning and regular practice is the key for becoming good programmer. For being a good programmer you have to become greedy for learn new things. Not any one can trend you like a pro. If you wanna be pro in App development you have to ready for learn new things and the best recource for learn new things is Books.  Read books daily and practice your skills will make you a good programmer and successful App developer.


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